Personal Year Cycle Three

This is a cycle of growth, expansion, creativity, and improvement, perhaps bringing into flower those seeds you planet in Cycle One. Your social life should improve. Entertaining and social functions should be on your to do list. You become the center of attention. This is your year to shine. Be conscious of your appearance. First impressions are important during this cycle because some of the people you meet may become important business contacts in the future. Buy some new clothes, get a new hairdo, and find the stage or microphone that’s waiting for you. You need space in which to grow. Because of the expansive influence of this year, you may find that travel fits your needs now. Because a Three Cycle implies optimism, lucky money can come your way. Enter every FREE contest. Buy one sweeps ticket when the fates move you. However, do not overspend. The expansion of a Three Cycle can also mean overspending and financial difficulties. Don’t scatter your energies rather plan to advertise and promote any creative effects in the artistic or business world. This year can be full of optimism, fun, and joy.

The color is Yellow.

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